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Forums / Corporate Recruitment / Application
#4704 - July 6 2018, 14:46:13
What country are you from?
I live in the UK.

How old are you?

How much and around which times do you usually play eve?
Anywhere from 5 to 50 hours a week depending on work. Usually EU/US TZ when I work, US/AU TZ when I don't.

Tell us something about your ingame history; what have you done, what corps/alliance have you been in.
I started out in Caldari FW. It was quite disorganised and I could not learn much about the game. I spent a week researching nullsec alliances and ended up joining Goonswarm. I originally applied to UKC but people suggested Karmafleet to me so I gave it a try. As I became more experienced and knowledgeable I moved to Thunderwaffe, a much more tight-knit corp with older and more skilled players who run the BlackOps SIG, which I have been a member of.

Why are you leaving your current corp/alliance?
While I have made a few friends in Goonswarm, I dislike its leadership and culture to the point that I don't feel like logging in anymore. It's time for me to leave.

Why do you want to join Coreli?
I know about the history of MC and am a bit of a Serpentis fanboy myself. :)

From what I've researched, it seems to be a corporation/alliance focused on enjoying the game and PvPing together all the time, which is what I'm after.


What activities do you enjoy doing in eve?
Mostly PvP, especially small gang and cloaky stuff.

Do you have any fleet command experience?
Yes, but it wasn't very fun or rewarding in Goonswarm.

Do you have any experience in any other fields which might be useful to the corp? (Capital/t2/t3/booster production, organizing logistics, seeding markets, etc.)
I know a bit about industry, especially capital production. I also have a neutral alt corp (which all my characters are in at the moment) that I may plex some day in order to facilitate logistics. However, my main interest is in PvP for now.

Do you have a way of making money outside of our home constellation?
I occasionally buy a bunch of PLEX and have alts that can do PvE if need be. I burnt out of krabbing in Delve a long time ago. I will figure out the most convenient and effective way to make ISK.

What types of ships do you prefer flying?
Interceptors, assault frigates, bombers, T3Ds, T3Cs, Cerberus/Omen, Rapier/Huginn. I can fly dreadnoughts (Phoenix & Moros) and carriers (all but Amarr). I'm not really into battleships and supercarriers but that may change in the future since it's mostly due to how goons use them.


Did you complete steps 1 through 4 of the application process?

Did anyone refer you to Coreli? (important for our internal recruitment reward program)
Aram Viscart
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